January 20, 2013
Download the Bulletin as a PDFThe third manifestation or Epiphany of Our Lord, His turning water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana, is celebrated in both the traditional and contemporary Roman calendars this day, both of which adorn the sacred vessels and ministers in green, yet further examples of continuity between the Latin and vernacular Missals. Dom Gueranger comments:
A Feast is prepared; it is a Marriage-Feast; and the Mother of Jesus is present at it, for it is just, that, having co-operated in the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word, she should take part in all that her Son does, and in all the favours lie bestows on his elect. But, in the midst of the Feast, the Wine fails. Wine is the symbol of Charity or Love, and Charity had failed on the earth; for the Gentiles had never tasted its sweetness; and as to the Synagogue, what had it produced but wild grapes? [Is. v. 2]. The True Vine is our Jesus, and he calls himself by that name [St. John, xv. l]. He alone could give that Wine which gladdeneth the heart of man [Ps. ciii. 15]; He alone could give us that Chalice which inebriateth [Ibid. xxii. 5], and of which the Royal Psalmist prophesied.
Mary said to Jesus: They have no wine. It is the office of the Mother of God to tell him of the wants of men, for she is also their Mother. But Jesus answers her in words, which are apparently harsh: Woman! what is it to me and to thee? My hour is not yet come. The meaning of these words is, that, in this great Mystery, he was about to act, not as the Son of Mary, but as the Son of God. Later on, the hour will come when, dying upon the Cross, he will do a work, in the presence of his Mother, and he will do it as Man, that is, according to that human nature which he has received from her. Mary at once understands the words of her Son, and she says to the waiters of the Feast, what she is now ever saying to her children: Do whatsoever he shall say to you.
What makes marriage worth celebrating is the irrevocable vow of life-giving love that of its very nature engenders a natural and life-long commitment because of the intrinsic possibility of a baby. God designed natural marriage and ordained sacramental marriage. Invite Him to your wedding and remain open and grateful for whatever gifts He presents. Love God! Love life!
God bless you.
Fr. Christopher J. Pollard