
March 31, 2013

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A Litany of Praise and Thanks
(adapted from the Litany of Our Lord Priest and Victim)

Jesus, Priest sent by God to preach the Gospel to the poor, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, Priest who at the Last Supper instituted the form of the Eternal Sacrifice, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, Priest living forever to make intercession for us, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, High Priest whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and virtue, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, High Priest of the true Tabernacle, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, High Priest who pierced Heaven with Your own Blood, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, High Priest who initiated us into a new life, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, High Priest Who loved us and washed us clean of our sins in Your Blood, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all those who were baptized this Easter, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all those Christians whom You brought into full communion with your Church, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all the preachers who explained to us the Word of God, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all those who prepared us for Easter by hearing our confessions, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all the beautiful voices in the choir, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all the servers in the sanctuary, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all the prayerful workers in the sacristy, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all those who cleaned and decorated the altar, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all the ushers who ushers and the counters who counted, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all those who fed us during Lent at Soup Supper, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for all those who quietly prayed for us, that we would be fed by the Spirit, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for giving us Your love and grace so that we may persevere through suffering, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for instructing us to make disciples of all nations, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for promising that You would remain with us even until the end of time, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for the unsurpassable grace of belonging to and living in your Church, we thank you, Lord.

Jesus, for rising up from the dead and promising to raise the faithful on the last day, we thank you, Lord.

Amen. Alleluia!