October 20, 2013
Download the Bulletin as a PDFMy Alma Mater, Bishop Ireton High School, has a new Director of Finance and Operations. His name is Brian Patterson, our highly skilled and trustworthy Business Manager for the last few years. I am happy for BI but sad for us. Fortunately Brian will still be helping us part time until we find a replacement.
Below is the ad we are running in the Herald and online:
The Parish Business Manager (PBM) has a primary responsibility for the reporting, internal control, cash management and accounting, budget, and information technology (IT) systems. In this capacity, the PBM fulfills a principal advisory and consultative role to the Pastor, Headmaster and Finance Council and serves as a key contact with Diocesan staff counterparts. The PBM will (i) coordinate Parish efforts during Diocesan or other external audits, (ii) assist in the preparation and monitoring of the administrative and capital budgets for the Church and the Academy, (iii) oversee and supervise administrative and accounting staff and (iv) advise and assist on maintenance, replenishment, and financing of the Parish’s capital assets, infrastructure, and the related security needs. Flexible working schedule (32 hours/ wk.)
Candidates should possess strong analytical, communication, interpersonal, managerial, and writing skills. The successful candidate should have a demonstrated ability to deal with confidential information and sensitive situations, and be able to collaborate with the SJTB and Diocesan staff and outside parties. An undergraduate or graduate degree in accounting, business, finance or a related field and supervisory experience are expected. Qualification as a certified public accountant and working knowledge of IT systems and software are highly desirable.
Mail or fax your cover letter and resume to:
Pastor, Saint John the Beloved, 6420 Linway Terrace, McLean, VA 22101; Fax. 703-356-4517
I expect many applications. All the same, please alert those you know who would be good candidates. And pray that St. Joseph help us find the best one.
God bless you.
Fr. Christopher J. Pollard