August 2, 2015
Download the Bulletin as a PDFSaturday, August 15
The Solemnity of the Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
this year is not a Holy Day of Obligation, but it is a Feast to celebrate!
Let’s have a parish picnic. Come join your fellow parishioners after the 5:00 p.m. Mass that Saturday for
BBQ Chicken, Brats and Beer
We will also serve cold water, of course. You are invited to bring an appetizer, side dish or dessert.
Last year we tried to gather outside with parishioners bringing their own lawn chairs. That did not work so well. So let’s plan to be inside the Parish Hall.
God bless you!
Fr. Christopher J. Pollard
p.s. The image above is by Francesco Granaci, who painted it between 1517 and 1519 for the Medici Chapel in San Petro Maggiore Church in Florence, Italy. It shows the Blessed Virgin assumed into heaven flanked by Saints John the Baptist, Thomas. James, Lawrence and Bartholomew. Upon closer examination you can see that St. Lawrence has cleaned the grill rack while the Apostle without Guile is conferring with said Holy Deacon about the recipe. Our Lord's cousin and Apostles are on the ready with necessary implements. Meanwhile one little cherub oversees the soaking of the woodchips.
I think they are trying to tell us something.