August 31, 2014
Download the Bulletin as a PDFPope Saint Gregory the Great, in honor of whom many people refer to plainchant as “Gregorian Chant”. He was entrusted with the See of Peter from 590 to 604, during which time he sent St. Augustine of Canterbury to evangelize England and also undertook an extensive renovation of St. Peter’s Basilica, prior to which time the Basilica had no fixed altar. Rather the focal point of the Constantinian structure was the burial vault of St. Peter. In order to be able to offer the Holy Mass atop the tomb of the Galilean fisherman (red), Pope Saint Gregory elevated the floor of the sanctuary and built the first permanent fixed altar in the basilica. Where that altar was now rests the 12th century altar of Pope Callistus II, the 16th century altar (black) of Pope Clement VIII and the 17th century baldacchino designed by Bernini. Our Lord did say, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church”.
A much more modest project is about to be undertaken at St. John the Beloved. Bishop Loverde just granted permission for us to remove the white lattice which spans the cupola above the altar. Originally built when the windows were clear and the sunlight glaring, the brilliantly designed lattice can now be removed and so invite our attention upwards. The inside of the cupola will be painted in a medieval blue with stars. At the highest point of the interior of the church a sculpture of the Holy Spirit will look down on the sanctuary and the congregation. Once all the contractor bids are received and evaluated we will be able to determine the dates for the work to be done, during which time we will be able to Sunday Masses under scaffolding but will likely need to relocate weekday Masses to the gymnasium. In the meantime, please come to me with your comments and suggestions.
God bless you.
Fr. Christopher J. Pollard