February 7, 2016
Download the Bulletin as a PDFPope Benedict XVI continued his reflection on the Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation in paragraph 21 of the Post- Synodal Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis with the following thoughts on indulgences:
A balanced and sound practice of gaining indulgences, whether for oneself or for the dead, can be helpful for a renewed appreciation of the relationship between the Eucharist and Reconciliation. By this means the faithful obtain “remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven.” (Paul VI, Apostolic Constitution Indulgentiarum Doctrina, 1 January 1967). The use of indulgences helps us to understand that by our efforts alone we would be incapable of making reparation for the wrong we have done, and that the sins of each individual harm the whole community. Furthermore, the practice of indulgences, which involves not only the doctrine of Christ's infinite merits, but also that of the communion of the saints, reminds us “how closely we are united to each other in Christ ... and how the supernatural life of each can help others.” (Ibid., 9) Since the conditions for gaining an indulgence include going to confession and receiving sacramental communion, this practice can effectively sustain the faithful on their journey of conversion and in rediscovering the centrality of the Eucharist in the Christian life.
Far be it from me to recommend a Valentine’s Day gift, but if you are in the mood for some Latin spice, the authoritative and up-to-date Handbook of Indulgences is online at the Vatican website in the original language: http://bit.ly/EnchiridionIndulgentiarum2002
You’re welcome.
God bless you.
Fr. Christopher J. Pollard
P.S. We just started a parish subscription to Formed.org and I am pretty excited. It will give all of you access to the videos of Catholicism by Fr. Barron as well as “Symbolon” by The Augustine Institute and lots of other content from Beloved and YDisciple as well as eBooks from Ignatius Press. Since the parish has paid the subscription, you can use it for free but you need to register individually. Please go onto the FORMED.ORG and subscribe as a St. John parishioner. Our parish code is X8DEVW.
P.P.S., St. John Prayer Chain will present again a daily email for Lenten Spiritual Reading, providing excerpts this year from works by Vinny Flynn: Mercy’s Gaxe, 7 Secrets of Confession and 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy. If you would like to subscribe please follow the link on the parish website or send an email to the Prayer Chain directly at [email protected].