July 13, 2014
Download the Bulletin as a PDFLast summer we were visited by Fr. Keith O'Hare, the Arlington priest who is the pastor of the Missions in Bánica, located in the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana in the Dominican Republic. The two parishes under his care account for 10,000 souls living in a rural area along the Haitian border. Last month it was announced that Fr. Jason Weber, parochial vicar at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, will go down to Bánica to assist Fr. O'Hare.
This month St. John the Beloved is sending a group of highschool and college-age parishioners to work there for a week. This coming Wednesday, along with our Youth Minister Kevin Corcoran and our Director of Religious Education Laura Pennefather, two dozen of us will depart for the assignment in Bánica that of laying concrete foundations for the homes of residents in a mountain top village. Evidence of the preparations we undertook can be seen at the entrance to St. John's outdoor Stations of the Cross, behind the gymnasium. A concrete pad now sits where a slope of mud used to catch the gate. You can learn more about the Bánica Mission at: www.banicamission.com with the latest news showing up on their blog. Your financial support has made this trip possible. Your spiritual support will make it fruitful.
At the conclusion of this weekend, our priest in residence, Father Luke Dundon will be staying close to the telephone to await word from the U.S. Navy that his ship is ready to set sail. Please pray for him. Fr. Dundon is a 2003 graduate of the Naval Academy and was ordained to the priesthood four years ago for the Diocese of Arlington and for the Archdiocese of the Military Services. His first assignment at St. Philip Catholic Church in Falls Church solidified his reputation as a rock star. Hopefully that will not get in the way of his visiting Northern Virginia since his parents live in Chantilly. I have every confidence that we will get to see him from time to time when his priestly service in U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps permits.
Maybe your summer travel has already happened. Perhaps it still is over the horizon. As enjoyable as it is to stretch our wings a bit, I think we all miss St. John when we are away from home. This summer might be an opportune time to discover the treasure trove of audio recordings that are maintained on our parish website. Many of the Sunday homilies are recorded and posted within a day or two of their delivery. To access these recordings online just visit www.stjohncatholicmclean.org and then click on "Resources" in the top menu bar and then select "Homilies" on the left side bar. Sunday just isn't the same if I can't sit in my room, sip a cup of coffee and listen to Fr. McAfee preach. Next weekend in the Dominican Republic I just hope I can find a coffee cup big enough to last me several days.
Fr. Christopher J. Pollard