July 3, 2016
Download the Bulletin as a PDFI had intended to provide even more eloquent explanation of the Sign of Peace this Sunday… but summer intervened.
Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen!
Rev. Christopher J. Pollard
PS (Post script…) I will be away this week from July 3 through July 8 for an annual gathering of priest friends. We gather at a retreat house and hire a professor to deliver lectures.
PPS (Post post script…) PPS followed by PPPS and so on and so forth can be a little tedious. Don’t you agree?
BTW (By the way…) Fr. Sina will be leading a group of youth on a Mission Trip to Banica in the Dominican Republic from July 9 through July 16. We will pray for them and those with whom they will be working (local workers frequently are employed to for technical aspects of projects) and especially those whom they will be serving.
OAAT (Oh, and another thing…) Fr. McAfee is doing pretty well at Sacred Heart Home in Hyattsville. If he would remember you and you are able to visit him please contact him through Ann Thunder.
WWAI (While we’re at it…) Fr. McAfee’s gardens, however, are not doing well, which you can see for yourself. Apparently weeds only come in the perennial variety. If you or someone you know wants to adopt the rose garden, please let me know. It is precise and painstaking work. A dedicated volunteer rosarian would be a Godsend.
SOW (Speaking of which…) Planting roses is very different from planting rosaries. If you have blessed objects that you no longer can use it is proper to burn them or bury them… but not on other people’s property. If you are unable to dispose of your blessed objects please bring them to the parish office or the parish sacristan. Please do not try to burn or bury them yourselves on parish property.
ICYHN (In case you hadn’t noticed…) The gate to the lower parking lot is closed during weekdays. There have been too many near misses to permit to continue to be a rush hour cut-through. It would be especially dangerous with so many construction vehicles parked there these days.
TROSE (That reminds me of something else…) The construction project on the intersection of Old Dominion Drive/Linway Terrace/Birch Road is going to take several months. You can see a schematic of the redesign of stoplights, curbs and crosswalks on the bulletin board the church vestibule.
WWOTT (While we are on the topic…) Two designs for the church entrance are being finalized. Either way we should be sitting pretty before too long.