
July 6, 2014

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For serious devil problems, please consult an expert. You will want to find an old, holy, humble, penitential, welleducated priest… like St. Benedict, whose Feast Day is July 11. For low-grade demonic problems, try employing his medal as a traditional manner of telling the devil to go to hell, who is by the way the only to whom you can say that.


Keep reading if that happens not to be clear enough.

On the back of the St. Benedict Medal in the arms of the Cross are the initials CSSML – NDSMD, which stand for:

Crux sacra sit mihi lux!
Nunquam draco sit mihi dux!

Which means:
The Holy Cross be my light;
Let not the dragon be my guide.

In the corners of the Cross are CSPD, which stand for the same words found on the front over the pedestals: Crux S. Patris Benedicti (The Cross of Holy Father Benedict).

Above the Cross is the word "Pax" (Peace), the Benedictine motto.

Surrounding the entire back of the medal are the initials to some words of exorcism: VRS – NSMV – SMQL – IVB, which stand for the rhyme:

Vade retro Satana!
Nunquam suade mihi vana!
Sunt mala quae libas.
Ipse venena bibas!

Which is to say:
Get behind me Satan!
Do not tempt me with vanities!
The things you offer are evil.
Drink your own poison!

St. Benedict, pray for us!

Fr. Christopher J. Pollard