July 8, 2018
Download the Bulletin as a PDFLater this week we will welcome back to St. John the Beloved our very dear friend from Burkina Faso: Fr. Alphonse Kabore.
Father teaches theology at the Grand Séminaire Saint Pierre Claver de Koumi (www.gskoumi.org), which is located in the city of Bobo Dioulasso. You can see him in the upper right corner of this recent photograph of the seminary faculty.
(He is the one wearing the dark sunglasses.)
With a population of over half a million, Bobo-Dioulasso is the second largest city in Burkina Faso. Only the capital city of Ouagadougou is larger. The average high temperature in Bobo-Dioulasso is 91.4℉ and it varies only slightly throughout the year, from as low as 84.4℉ in August to 97.7℉ in March and April. Imagine that, Father Alphonse is willing to help out here during the only months that we are hotter than Africa!
Like many parts of the world near the equator, they have a wet season. Between July and September, they usually receive about 25 inches of rainfall. Only 15 inches of rain accumulate the other nine months of the year. DC, on the other hand, usually has three inches of rain per month. Imagine that, Father Alphonse will think this is a dry heat!
Until September 11, Father Alphonse will be here to help with Holy Mass, Confessions, Baptisms, House Blessings and everything else we do here. His 2009 doctoral thesis is entitled "Les vertus morales comme principes de la raison pratique selón Saint Thomas d’Aquin". Imagine what perfect timing it is for the Revered Doctor to be here when the Church observes the 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae!
St. Peter Claver, pray for us!
God bless you.
Fr. Christopher J. Pollard