June 24, 2018
Download the Bulletin as a PDF“Summer.”
Rhymes with “dumber.”
Instead of burning our skin, losing brain cells and forgetting much of what we learned over the last nine months…let’s be smart.
Our annual Bible Study will take up the beginning of the Book of Genesis during this last week of June. On three successive Sundays (July 1, 8 and 15) our seminarian Charles Wilton will teach a Sunday afternoon Inquiry Class with Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed.
And don’t forget about FORMED.org and our parish passcode X8DEVW. It is always on and always free. With so many books, films, documentaries and talks, we never need to stop learning and we don’t have to pay for it.
“Summer” also need not signal the dulling of our soul. Stay sharp: Pray every day. Worship every Sunday. Confess every month. Support the Church. Love your neighbor.
MassTimes.org is as essential as Kayak.com or Airbnb are for planning your vacation. Find out ahead of time when and where Holy Mass is taking place. Fit it into your schedule. Then you can really relax. If you find yourself in an extraordinary situation and fear that you will not be able to get to Holy Mass on a particular Sunday, you can call the rectory emergency line at 703-801-0949 so that Fr. Sina or I can grant you dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation, which will usually involve your offering up extra prayers or, if possible, even watching Holy Mass online.
Where ever you travel, please do look for opportunities to assist the needy. The Lord promised us that we would always have the poor with us. That means we always need to be helping them. Help the churches where you go to Mass too.
Oh... please never get drunk on purpose.
And please do put on sun screen or at least wear a big hat.
God bless you!
Fr. Christopher J. Pollard