September 20, 2015
Download the Bulletin as a PDFThe Pope is coming! The Pope is coming!
Through some back channels I arranged to make sure that the Holy Father arrives in the United States on the first day of our 103rd year in McLean. You can thank me later. You would need a ticket to attend His Holiness' Tuesday arrival, Wednesday visit to the White House and Mass at the Shrine, not to mention his Thursday address before Congress.
However at http://bit.ly/PopeFrancisUSAcam you can follow it all online.
God bless you!
Fr. Christopher J. Pollard
P.S. Let's talk a little bit more about clerks and consciences.
The issue is not about the Church and her doctrine. The issue is about a citizen and her conscience.
What should someone in public office do when the government decides that she must cooperate in evil?
Resist or quit. Right? The Kentucky lady in the news recently chose the first and did not resist going to jail. Good for her.
How should someone in the public square respond to a request for them to provide a service that violates their conscience?
Resist or quit. Right? When I was living in New York City I would not have dreamed of being so churlish as to go to a kosher deli or a halal market and order pork for the Fall Festival. And I would applaud their refusal if someone did so.
Wouldn't you?
This Sunday evening at 4 p.m. our already-legally-trained and no-longer-recently-ordained Fr. Sina will be moderating a Panel Discussion on Same-Sex Marriage. (We are not in favor if it.) The discussion will encompass the range of issues and considerations facing Christians resulting from it now being legal in these United States.
I would love to chat about it in person if any of you would be interested. Send me an email!
P.P.S. Thank you to Chairman Charlie McCoy and everyone who made the Fall Festival a great success, including all you who bought a ticket and came. Happy 102nd Anniversary, St. John Church!