September 6, 2015
Download the Bulletin as a PDFSend in the seminarians...
Welcome back to Br. John Sica, O.P. Brother John has been with us for a year already and was ordained a deacon this past Spring. Look forward to his continuing to preach on at least one weekend a month and at the occasional Wednesday Holy Hour. He also will help teach RCIA on Monday evenings and Confiteor, of which he is a cofounder, on Thursday evenings.
We welcome a new Dominican friar Br. Joachim Kenney, O.P. Br. Joachim will help bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound… as well as the healthy and pewbound. Brother looks forward to helping with Confiteor on Thursdays... and even more so to being ordained a deacon next Spring, God willing.
Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, is again sending us a seminarian to help every other weekend. We are pleased to host a deacon from the beloved Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska. Deacon Chris Eckrich will be finishing his last year of studies this year while dropping in on St. John from time to time.
Remember Br. John McCusker, O.S.B., the friendly Benedictine monk who was with us for a good part of the last academic year? He will be ordained a priest at St. Louis Abbey on Saturday, September 12. Fr. Sina will be in attendance. Let's pray for Br. John and all the souls whom he will bring the Word of God over the course of his life.
God bless them all!
Rev. Christopher J. Pollard
P.S. By the way, you will not find me on Facebook anymore or at least for the time being. Facebook deactivated my account along with our group "Friends of the Beloved" because they think that "Father Christopher Pollard" is not my authentic name.
P.P.S. Fall Festival is in two weeks! Tell your neighbors!