Worship the Lord
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
St. John the Beloved has Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to assist in the distribution of Communion during Sunday Masses and every Sunday to the homebound. Extraordinary ministers also bring Holy Communion to Catholics at Arleigh Burke Pavilion and Powhatan Nursing Home. Each Extraordinary Minister serves a 5-year term, which may be renewed once. For more information please contact Ann Thunder at the Parish Office.
The lectors serve the parish community by assisting in the dignified, reverent, and clear proclamation of the Word of God. Two lectors are assigned for each Sunday Mass. Typically, a lector reads about once a month. On weekdays, a lector is assigned to a specific weekday, for either the 6:30 a.m. Mass or the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Lectors who are new to our parish are introduced to the specific procedures we use at St. John. All lectors also attend periodic training sessions focused on improvement techniques. If you have a strong, clear voice and you feel that God is calling you to be a lector, please contact Danielle Aguilar.
Ushers are a valuable service to the parish and especially to the priests. They assist in the orderly offering of Mass by attending to the seating and the collection of the weekly offertory. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please contact Phil Dunton at 703-241-0947. The need for younger parishioners to join this group of men of faith is ever present.