Be an Apostle

Youth Ministry


At St. John, we strive to provide activities for youth that will help them to encounter Christ and become life-long disciples.  If you want to learn more about youth ministry contact Michael Jacobeen, Director of Faith Formation at [email protected] or call (703) 356-5275


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Fall 2024 High School Youth Ministry

Swing Dance Nights:

  • 1st & 3rd Fridays 7:00-9:00pm each night, optional ice cream and night prayer from 9:00-9:30

  • $10/night

  • Sign up here

Adventure Days

  • 9/28: Horseback Riding

  • 10/26: Hiking Trip

  • 11/16: Paintball

Contact Michael Jacobeen for more information or to sign up for any of these days: [email protected]

Tough Topics

Learn to speak the truth in love about some of the most difficult cultural issues in our world.  Tough Topics examines the facts about these issues based on research, science, philosophy, personal experience, and our Catholic faith.  Visit to experience the Tough Topics program. 

Each night begins at 6:00pm and includes dinner, video presentation, guided discussion, and practice talking about the topics.  We'll finish by 9:00pm.

Fall Dates and Topics:
  • 10/11: Abortion Basics

  • 12/13: Gender Identity

Contact Michael Jacobeen for more information or to sign up: [email protected]



Adults: are you passionate about your faith and have a love for the youth?  Do you have experience as a coach, mentor, or teacher?  Are there any events or activities for youth that you'd be interested in bringing to St. John the Beloved?

In order to be able to help the youth of the parish encounter Christ, we need a team of adults who dedicate their time to this important mission.  The number and types of activities and events we can offer for teens is limited only by the number of volunteer leaders.

We are looking for adults who are:
- Practicing Catholics who are striving for holiness
- Willing and able to build mentoring relationships with teens
- Willing to not just volunteer but to coordinate and lead activities for youth

If you would like to help but don't think that you can serve as a leader, please pray for the youth of the parish!  If you are able to help as a leader, please contact Michael Jacobeen at [email protected]

Other opportunities and resources for youth...


Visit to experience the Tough Topics program. T2 was created by St. John’s Youth Ministry as a free resource to educate and encourage youth when engaging in difficult conversations about complicated cultural issues. Learn the truth about gender identity, abortion, and same sex attraction – then speak it with love. 

CYO Sports

St. John participates in the Arlington Diocese' CYO program.  Youth who attend St. John Academy or are enrolled in religious education may play on one of our boys' or girls' teams.  Basketball is offered from November - March, and Girls' Volleyball takes place in the spring semester.  Contact Michael for more information: [email protected]