Worship the Lord

Sacred Music

The Sacred Music at Saint John the Beloved is an integral part of the liturgy, ennobling the liturgical action of the Mass through the singing of Gregorian Chant, which according to Vatican II should be given pride of place in liturgical services.  In the 1903 papal document, Tra le sollecitudini, St. Pius X states that “Gregorian Chant is the supreme model of Church music.  He also emphasizes that Sacred Music must “possess in the highest degree the qualities which characterize the liturgy.  In particular, it must possess holiness and beauty of form: from these two qualities a third will spontaneously arise-universality.” All liturgical music at St. John’s strives to embody these three principles, holiness-beauty-universality, for the glory of God and the sanctification of our parishioners.

Liturgical Documents

Our Sacred Music Program in the News