In Testimonium...

Neighbors in Need

Many parishioners have volunteered to help deliver groceries or otherwise render assistance to neighbors who are not able to leave their homes. Please call the parish office either to alert St. John the Beloved about someone who needs help or to volunteer.

Eternal rest grant unto them...

Dottie Washko
William Keough Sr.
Edward Stolark
Theresa Allam
Mary Kirinich
Domenic Sammarco
Ambrose Methodius Arkoosh
Jacob van Lutsenburg Maas
Charles Pistorino
Mark Begeny
Rosie Damavandy
Amelia De Freitas
Mary Flanagan
Steve Pollard
Rico Mangan
Rosemary Walsh
Linda Kissinger

St. John the Beloved Bereavement Fund
Click here to make a one-time gift to help us assist bereaving families in need. Use the "Note" field to identify a specific need. Donations are tax-deductible and your assistance is much appreciated.

Sacraments in Unusual Places

Holy Communion can be received in the vestibule after any and every Mass. Outdoor speakers permit you to listen to Mass without coming inside. Our priests can bring you Holy Communion at home as well.

If you desire Confession somewhere other than the regular confessionals, please feel free to call the rectory emergency line 703-835-2808 to request a confessor to meet you in church cry room or in the parking lot.